Own A Piece of Pokemon History

by | Feb 25, 2025 | News | 0 comments


Apparently, you can now own a Cheeto Charizard. As for why you would want that? I have no idea but for only the cost of 70 copies of GTA 6, you could add this Cheetozard to your collection of anime figurines and Pokémon Cards. 

Cheetozard Picture

As of the writing, there are 4 days and some change left to bid for this “one of a kind” item. Sold by a company called Goldin Auctions, they describe the Flamin’ Hot Cheeto as “3-inches long, in the shape of the Pokémon Charizard, and affixed to a customized Pokémon card and encapsulated in a clear storage box.” 

Also according to Goldin “It was initially discovered and preserved sometime between 2018-2022” Now, I’m no licensed nutritionist or whatever but I’m guessing that thing is stale as can be. Maybe you can snag it for yourself and film a video of you eating it for internet fame?

The current bid sits at $6,750, however, it is likely to increase when the deadline gets closer and closer. My recommendation? Tap tap those fingers to goldin.co and bid like your life depends on it. When are you gonna see a Cheeto the shape of Charizard ever again?

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Written by Rob Watterworth

February 25, 2025

I think it's wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.

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